Internship Opportunities
Seeking hard working individuals who want an experience of a lifetime.
2025 Internships Available
Sitz Angus is pleased to host several interns each year. All internships require a willingness to work hard and work well with the crew. Please expect to work the long hours that are sometimes associated with production agriculture. Be prepared to dress for the weather. Long-term ranch interest is preferred. This is a paid internship that offers hands-on experience in the seed-stock cattle industry. Housing accommodations are provided, but cleanliness is required. Links to our application can be found on Google Forms, as well as on our Facebook page and our Instagram page (@sitzangusranch) as the date for each seasonal internship application opening arises.
Email Taylre Sitz with any questions at sitzangusinternships@gmail.com or call 406.685.3360 EXT 2

Spring Internship
Approximate dates: January 20- May 1
Interns will assist in calving, tagging/processing, cleaning stalls, pairing out, doctoring calves, checking pregnant cows, branding, tattooing, doctoring, feeding, synchronizing for AI, and breeding cattle. Interns may also help with the spring bull sale, delivering bulls, and farming. Calving season is hard work. Please expect to work long hours and to perform a lot of strenuous tasks alongside the rest of our crew. Prior to applying, please understand that there will often be cold weather, and there always be physical labor that must be done.
Application open from
August 15 - September 30

Summer Internship
Approximate dates: May 20 - August 15
Summer Internship - Summer brings about a wide variety of tasks on the ranch and a lot of hard work. Interns may be involved in aspects of AI-ing cattle, sorting, and moving cattle into our summer country. The intern may stay with our cow boss in our summer country to monitor cattle and water at times. General tasks may include fencing, checking water lines, doctoring cattle, assisting with farming and haying, and working well with our neighbors on our forest permits. Interns may also cake cattle and assist with irrigating. This internship tends to be more of a generalized ranching internship. We expect our summer intern to be willing to help where needed and to expect to perform the physical labor that is associated with working in production agriculture.
Application open from
December 11th - January 15th.

Fall Internship
Approximate Dates: September 1 - December 15
Interns are involved in a wide variety of tasks around the ranch during this time of year including PAP testing, semen testing, videoing/picturing, and sorting bulls for the sale. The intern will also assist with checking, gathering, and weaning cattle. Other tasks may include fencing, feeding, helping with the Fall Bull sale and delivering bulls etc.
Application open from
April 1 - May 15